Saturday, September 27, 2008

Painting I - 15 Layers

For my painting class with Peg Trezevant, we were assigned to paint something at least 4' x 4' and have at least 15 layers of paint on it. I started by creating a collage of flat images of hair, cut from magazines, mixed with scrap satin fabric. I pinned the pieces together on foam core and sat the piece on top of my canvases while I painted. I built 3 canvases to create a triptych about 5' x 8' and translated the collage to the canvas, first using acrylic paint for the largest shapes.

Next came the oil paint. And more paint. And some more paint. Until I had almost all 15 layers.

The finished painting with a final layer of oil paint:

Saturday, September 20, 2008

3D Design - Self Portrait

My self portrait for 3D Design was a red tiger, complete with a circus car (cause I go to Ringling, ha). I started with a wire frame and paper mache for the tiger. I collected paint chip samples from Home Depot and cut them into tiny triangles. I applied them one-by-one with tweezers and glue, which took hours...

The circus car is made out of cardboard, 4" nails, sample paint chips, spray paint, and a toy car kit (for the axle).

I designed posters for the ends of the car in Photoshop.


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Intro to GIC - Jazz Icons

Intro to GIC was one of my favorite classes. Here's one of our first projects, including process work, that resulted in a set of stamp designs.

We started out with a few sheets of paper with shapes printed on them, like circles, triangles, and squares. We had to draw around those shapes to create images we saw in every day life. From those pages, we decided on a theme for our final selection. Mine was Jazz, so the final shapes I chose dealt with musical instruments.

From there, we took our sketches to Illustrator and created two styles based on simple forms and classic Gestalt principles.



Saturday, September 6, 2008

Form & Communication - Signs and Nesting/Networking

Here's some work from my first semester at Ringling. I was lucky enough to take Advertising classes right from the start. This first image is from a sign project where we had to create unconventional road signs. Mine were: Animal Shelter, Inclement Weather, Cooking School, and Circus.

We had another project in David's class involving the influence of texture, color, pattern, etc. I think I strayed from the assignment and stuck to textures, much to David's frustration. But I liked the project and end result.

