Saturday, October 25, 2008

Intro to GIC - Typographic Self Portrait

One of my favorite projects for this class, we started with a photo of ourselves and vectored it with simple type forms.

Here's my original photo and the initial tracings that helped to define where the shapes go - from largest to smallest.

Here's the next step: we took the image and applied it to a 3D cube. The tricky part came when the edges had to match up based on positive and negative space.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

3D Design - Toy Project

For my toy project, I created a model of Danny Ocean from Ocean's 11. My final toy has been lost since moving around so many times each year, but I have images from the box design.

Here's an in-progress shot of Danny, prior to baking and painting:

Here are images of the box design in Illustrator and fully constructed (complete with Mylar front) :