Saturday, November 15, 2008

Intro to GIC - Semester Portfolio Covers

At the end of the semester, we put together a small, spiral-bound portfolio of all the work we had completed in the Intro to GIC class. These are a few of my composition studies for the cover image, including Weight, Width, and Space:

And my final composition: 

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Painting I - Portrait

For this assignment, we had to paint a portrait of someone we had only seen once. It could be someone we had walked past on the street or sat with in a room, but not someone we knew personally. I chose to take a very abstract approach on painting a portrait of someone based on the shape of their face, the curve of their jaw... even the jewelry and clothing they had on that day, but I didn't want to paint their image directly. Each of the four canvases is about 3' square and depicts a different aspect of my subject's appearance.

I started out with a few layers of acrylic to set up the overall composition:

And the final painting:

Ringling purchased the top two canvases. My favorite is the top-right:

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Intro to GIC - Political Composition

Here is some work from my GIC class that introduced us to Photoshop. We started by collecting images of people places and things. We organized these into categories based on popular subjects in politics (environmentalism, women's rights, etc). My final subject choice was environmentalism:

Next, we added political figures, shapes, and our final color pallet choice.

And here's my final political composition: