Saturday, January 31, 2009

Intro to AD - LEGO

Here's a quick ambient ad for LEGO, based on elevator doors opening and closing making it look like the kid is playing with his LEGO blocks:

We had really open reign to do what we wanted for this project. The point was to promote creativity in unexpected places and LEGO has some great ads that really push that concept.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Image + Color - Gestalt Architecture

For this project, we took images of buildings and translated them to vectors. The process started with image tracings to mimic light and shadow and help us understand the building's structure.

Next came the initial line vector in Illustrator:

Then black and white vectors, and finally the implementation of gestalt principles:

I took the gestalt images and compiled one final vector:

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Intro to AD - Netflix

Netflix has an existing campaign along this theme, so my class expanded on it with our own ads. The goal is to show the breadth of their movie collection by taking a simple object and making it look like two images. My object looks like either a broom or a Spartan hat - items found in either the Terminal or the 300.