Saturday, October 31, 2009

Leadership in Creative Organizations - Vision Statements

This Leadership class has been one of the most useful courses that I've taken at Ringling College so far. We've done so much personal and professional exploration, so I wanted to share the overall philosophy I was able to achieve from these explorations. Like the successful companies we studied all semester, I created vision statements of my own to guide the goals I set down for myself for years to come:

Personal Vision Statement
My personal vision is to surround myself in ever-evolving beauty that will enrich my imagination and stretch my capacity for innovation. I will breathe life into those around me and find endless possibilities in each new day.

Leadership Vision Statement
My leadership vision is to be the guiding force of energy among those who make the world a better place through their individual and collective creative explorations. I will help those without faith in their own work to see the possibilities that exist within art and the power that creativity has to change the world.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Graphic Design I - Calendar

Calendar designs were extremely tedious. Not only did we develop numerous grid designs for the layout of the days of the week, but we also went through numerous revisions of the overall calendar theme and monthly visual content. I used the website wefeelfine to create a theme for my calendar, pulling quotes from their site in order to create a mood for each page.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Intro to Web Design - Product Page

For this assignment, we each got to choose a product and create a new web site for it. I chose Reese's and used foil flowers that I used to create out of their wrappers as a guide in my design choices.