Monday, January 31, 2011

Moving Time!

Thanks for checking out my blog. I have moved all content over to my new portfolio site.

Please check it out and let me know what you think!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Design With Type II - City Block

This project spanned across almost the entire semester. We started by taking photos of the type we saw on a single city block. We explored type arrangements based on these images, the text we found, and the placement of the type in space. Eventually, we were given free reign over the visual content, at which point I really started to enjoy the work. Here is my final type sequence, which was subsequently translated to the cover of a book that contained all of the work involved within the project.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Project Management - Water Ecology

For our final project in my Project Management class, we were split into groups in coordination with a Water Ecology class in order to create individual water awareness efforts. My group was given a budget of $300, the resources of Sarasota's SEE Water Committee, and a few weeks to complete any project that fulfilled the outlined requirements of promoting community awareness. I was elected Project Manager, but we also had a Communications Manager, a Quality Control Manager, and a team of brilliantly talented GIC majors. I'll post the completed work soon, but for now, here' s a look at the progress we made over our few short weeks together.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Advertising Copywriting - Tervis Promo

For my Tervis Tumbler campaign I created a small side proect based on a possible promotion for their company. The basic concept: Any customer could go on their website and learn about how they were trying to be a more environmentally savvy company. But how can a customer feel like they're part of the process - and then spread the inspiration with their friends? With this promotion, each customer who purchases a four-pack of tumblers would receive a specially packaged seed-pack. It would come in colorful packaging complete with quotes about environmentalism and the good work that Tervis does in eliminating water bottles, etc. When purchasing online, they would have the option to submit a friend's home address so they could also receive their own seed packet.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Principles of Marketing - Product Promotion

The whole class came together for this project and created a complete marketing strategy for a product. We chose the work of our classmate Mike Decker who makes stone jewelry and carvings. We branded his line as Crua Stone, flushing out ideas for his vision, mission, and even his SWOT analysis. We worked together with Etsy, creating an Etsy shop with a banner, product descriptions, packaging, and detailed product photos. While serving small roles in the overall project creation, I managed the writing team that edited Mike's script for his promotional video:

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Advertising Copywriting - Dakin Dairy

My partner Chase and I worked on a print campaign for Dakin Dairy, a local dairy farm run by one family. They're a smaller company with home-grown values (and some tasty milk, which we bought and tried ourselves).

Updated versions with new visuals, soon to come!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Design With Type II - Specimen Book

Each of us were assigned a few typefaces, so scattered across the 2010 Type II student harddrives is a complete book of specimen pages for the collective Ringling typeface catalog. Here are my six pages: